
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

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Net red pomegranate snowflake crisp, eat it will become addictive. Ask Yami to stock up!

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The rush of the spike is too slow, and it is really slow.

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Just arrived Japanese snacks. Fast delivery, arrived within 4 days of ordering. Everything is good! well! Eat, beautifully packaged. My favorite is this mochi, which has two flavors of brown sugar and matcha. It happened that Yami had an event and bought it. Although expensive, it is delicious. Liuy

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Yami ordered a lot of snacks, but be sure to recommend the 3 items below. This special concentrated red bean water from Taiwan is especially suitable for girls, and it is said that it can reduce swelling. Contains brown sugar, tastes sweet, delicious and healthy. Immortal grass jelly and burning imm

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Recommend a few essential baby products for beginners. This California baby shower gel/shampoo is aimed at babies with eczema. My baby has a lot of eczema in 1-3 months. After using a bottle, it has improved significantly. Now he is 5 months old and completely healed. Earth Mama Angel babys body lo

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Newly discovered a cookie that looks amazing. tasty.

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Taiwan Jiade Pineapple Cake vs Slightly Hot Hills Yami is increasingly taking the international route! In addition to Japanese direct mail, there are now Taiwan direct mail. Accidentally refreshed the web page and found that there was actually a pineapple cake directly mailed from Taiwan. After pl

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In the hot summer, if you want to reduce the fire, drink the authentic coconut palm brand Hainan coconut juice! Fresh coconut milk, clear as water, sweet as honey, cool and delicious after meals. If drinking alone is too monotonous, you can make coconut milk sago jelly, which will definitely reduce

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You are only one cake away from Yunnan!Finally grabbed the Yunnan-style Kahua flower cake that is fragrant all over the world. It is said that each flower cake is secretly made with 3 carefully selected roses. Strong aroma and unique quality! Sure enough, its not a vain name. After taking a bite,

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Tokyo Honey Biscuits are said to be better than Shiroi Koibito. Personally, I think this biscuit cheese taste is too strong, or Shiroi Koibito is better than this one. But if you prefer cheese flavors, highly recommended.

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