# 年货好物种草指南 # Having stayed in the United States for so many years, I miss a lot of domestic food. Yangmei is one of them. I usually didn't expect it to be okay, but once it was triggered, the saliva would miss it uncontrollably. A good repurchase item found in Yami, canned bayberry from Lin's shop. Simple and unpretentious appearance, but there is a world inside. As soon as I opened the lid, I could smell the familiar scent. It's a bit like the bayberry wine brewed at home when I was a child. All of a sudden, the sense of taste was mobilized. The bayberry is not big, but it is very full, and it is the taste of bayberry that is eaten in China. The soup is also delicious, slightly sweet and not greasy. Anyway, I want to have this can forever. 在美国待了那么多年,怀念好多国内的食物。杨梅就是其中之一。平时没想到还好,一但被触发,那口水就会抑制不住的想念。 在亚米发现的回购好物,林家铺子的杨梅罐头。朴实无华的外表,但是内有乾坤。一开盖,我就闻到了熟悉的香味。有点像小时候,家里自己酿的杨梅酒。一下子,味觉就被调动了起来。杨梅的个头不大,但是非常饱满,一口下去就是,就是国内吃到的杨梅的味。汤汁也好喝,微甜不腻。总之,这个罐头我要一直拥有。