A few days ago, I went to New York to go to Gongcha to buy the three Gray brothers to quench their thirst. The three brothers mean that there are fairy grass jelly, pearls and pudding in the milk tea. The milk tea is very fragrant and smooth in the mouth. The proportion is just right, the taste is authentic, sweet but not greasy, the pearls inside are very soft, the grass jelly and pudding are very smooth and tender, the taste is very rich and thirst-quenching, dieters can choose 70% sugar or 50% sugar or 30% sugar, even sugar free. # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 # # 萌新报道 # # 百万积分第六季 # # 拜托了冰箱 # # 我要当测评官第7期 #
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前几天去纽约顺道去贡茶买格雷三兄弟来解渴,三兄弟的意思是奶茶里分别有仙草冻、珍珠、布丁,奶茶很香浓,入口顺滑,茶味不会过浓,跟奶的比例正好,味道正宗,甜而不腻,里面的珍珠很Q软,仙草冻和布丁都很滑嫩,喝起来口感很丰富也很解渴,减肥人士可以选择70%糖或50%糖或30%糖,甚至是去糖。 # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 # # 萌新报道 # # 百万积分第六季 # # 拜托了冰箱 # # 我要当测评官第7期 #