☕️Delicious enough to fly · Starbucks☕️ # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 ## 百万积分第六季 # Starbucks' peppermint mocha is also very delicious~ It's cool to drink, haha, some people may not accept it, but I like it very much, it must be him to refresh the mind Thank you 🙏🏻
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☕️好喝到飞起的·星巴克☕️ # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 ## 百万积分第六季 # 星巴克的peppermint mocha也特别好喝~ 喝起来冒凉风哈哈 有的人可能接受不了 但是我很喜欢 提神醒脑非他莫属 谢谢🙏🏻