٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) is delicious! Shipping to Vancouver is really fast. The estimated day is only three or four days away? (forget Except the shio ramen is not as good as expected (It may also be that I ate too much that day Everything else is really delicious Is it the broth powder or need other condiments to assist? (You can drink it alone, but you need some accessories to make ramen soup But it's really awesome! ! ! P.S. Ramen with bacon is also delicious, I used the bag of curry (Delicious enough to turn around)╰( ᐖ╰)≡(╯ᐛ )╯
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亚米精選 ٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)超好吃! 寄到温哥华其实也很快诶 差了预计日也就三四天?(忘了 除了盐味拉面没有想象中那么那么那么好以外 (也可能是那天我吃的太多叻 别的真的都很好吃 就是高汤粉还是需要有别的佐料辅助 (单喝也可以但是做拉面汤要一些辅料 但是真的超棒!!! P.S.拉面配培根也好吃诶,我用的咖喱的那袋 (好吃到转圈圈)╰( ᐖ╰)≡(╯ᐛ )╯