三食三餐 Check in, today’s breakfast oats are more delicious, and you can rest assured to eat ❤️ This is also a very famous snack in the Fuzhou area. Some are called meat swallows, and some are directly called swallow balls. It is very similar to stewed wontons, but the skin is different. Desserts are great👍
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三食三餐打卡,今日早餐燕丸,还是自己包的更加美味,吃的也放心❤️ 这个在福州地区也是非常有名的小吃,有的叫肉燕,有的就直接叫燕丸,和馄炖很相似,就是皮不一样,皮是肉做出来的,非常有嚼劲,当早餐、点心都非常赞👍