夏日色彩打卡 - purple 🌹🌹 Let's make a call for Clinique Purple Makeup Remover towel, because it's really useful! 🌹🌹I have been using Clinique take the day off series of Purple Fatty, which is very useful for removing makeup. When I bought the Purple Fatty set last time, each set came with a pack of genuine take the day off makeup remover. For daily makeup that is not so thick, the makeup removal ability is super strong, and the makeup removal effect is absolutely complete, but the texture is very mild and does not irritate the skin at all. You can refer to my pictures 4 and 5. The lipstick is completely gone after gently wiping it off. It really has no traces. It is soft and delicate and will not hurt the skin. Unlike some makeup removers, it will itch when I use it. And such a small bag is super convenient to carry and use. It looks small in size but has a large capacity of 50 tablets, and it is not a troublesome liquid or solid. Sometimes I am too lazy to use makeup remover, and it is really easy to travel or urgently need makeup remover. The wife is convenient! 🌹🌹By the way, I’ll take another look at the countless purple fat makeup remover that I have stockpiled. I use it every day to remove makeup easily without stress. After removing my face, my face is refreshed and refreshed. In short, I really am the two of the Clinique take the day off series. Strongly recommended, easy to use! # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationc23fdda01073410587063a
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亚米精選 夏日色彩打卡——紫 🌹🌹来为倩碧Clinique紫色卸妆巾打一波call,因为真的是太好用了! 🌹🌹我一直用倩碧take the day off系列的紫胖子,卸妆很好用,上次买紫胖子套装的时候每套附送一包正品take the day off卸妆巾,没想到出乎意料的好用,对于不是那么浓厚的日常妆,卸妆能力超超强,卸妆效果绝对彻底,质地却很温和,一点也不刺激皮肤。可以参照我图4和5,口红轻轻擦拭就彻底没了,真的了无痕迹,柔软细腻不会蹭伤皮肤,不像有些卸妆水我用了会痒。而且这样一小包携带和使用都超级方便,看着体积不大但是有足足50片的超大容量,又不是麻烦的液体固体状,有时候懒得用卸妆膏,还有出门旅游或是急用卸妆真的是太太方便了! 🌹🌹再顺便再次安利一下我囤货无数的紫胖子卸妆膏,每天使用轻轻松松卸妆没有压力,卸完脸上清清爽爽的,总之倩碧take the day off系列的这两个我真的是强力推荐,好用! # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 护肤美妆 #