# 童年回忆零食 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation3f46371643b245c3a9c8f4aa75b148997 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation0e18f4baaf87c14ecbe KFC New Products‼ ️Bacon Chicken Drumsticks Heavy Pork Burger‼ ️ It took a few days to know that it was new...but to be honest, I don't think it suits my taste very well? I actually prefer to eat the two fried chicken steaks on the outside, haha, they are really juicy and juicy. (Although the quality of the chicken itself I think emmm) The quality of the bacon is not very good, the smoky flavor is completely brought out by the sauce... and the flavor of this smoky bacon mayo is too heavy and it kind of overwhelms the advantages of the chicken chop (and the smoky flavor is artificial); and The sweet and fruity aroma of pineapple doesn't go well either.
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# 童年回忆零食 # # 亚米夜市 # # 为爱花钱 # 肯德基新品‼️培根鸡腿重磅肉霸堡‼️ 吃完过了几天才知道是新品…但说实话我觉得不是很合我胃口? 我其实比较倾向于单吃外面夹的两块炸鸡腿排哈哈,确实炸得汁水丰盈。(虽然鸡肉本身品质我觉得emmm) 培根品质不是很好,烟熏风味完全是靠里面的酱带出来…而且这个烟熏培根蛋黄酱的口味太重反倒有点把鸡排的优点给压下去了(而且烟熏味好人工);和菠萝甜甜的果香也不是很搭。