
😆A canned gravy cat food so delicious that your eyes narrowed🥫

🌸Let's live stream today and feed Dian Dian. Dian Dian is a bit of a picky cat. I used to eat roast chicken. When I tore a chicken breast for it, it smelled and walked awayLast week at< span class="s4">OnlineSeePurina's span>Gravy LoverThe canned gravy cat was discounted, I immediately placed an order and bought it, but I was a little worried that if it was too picky not to eat, see After the comments, most cats like it, guess it may like it.


🌸A small can, just enough for one meal, remember to use a small spoon to remove excess soup and meat Scrape it out, don't use it, it's easy to cut.


🌸A small box has24 cans,3heavy flavors, each8cans, there are turkey, chicken and beef flavors, change the flavor for the cat owner to eat, it will never get tired.


🌸Although it looks like the soup is more juicy and less meaty, it actually pours out a lot, and the soup smells It tasted very fragrant, similar to the broth we drank.


🌸Pour it out and cover the bottom of the bowl. Particle meat is more convenient than whole meat, so you don't have to worry about the cat chewing on it. Meat is everywhere.


🌸 I clicked while picking up the can Meow Meow" remind me to hurry up, um, I'll wash the dishes for you first! During the pouring process, Dian Dian had already slammed his front legs on the table and looked at the bowl~ How much do you guys like how much Dian Dian likes this can?


🌸 Squinting while eating Now, call it up and make noise to seduce him, in order to slap me in the face, ignore me, completely immersed in enjoying the soup and food


🌸 We strongly recommend shit shoveling officers to cat owners Try this canned cat food, the price is not expensive and the owners are happy to eat it❤️

 # 家有萌宠大曝光 # # Million Points7Season # # 宠物食品 #

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🌸今天来直播下喂点点实录,点点属于有点挑食的猫咪,之前我吃烤鸡的时候撕了块鸡胸肉给它吃,它闻了闻走开了上周在网上看到PurinaGravy Lover肉汁猫罐头打折,立马下单给它买了,但有点小担心万一它太挑剔不吃,看了下评论大部分猫咪都很喜欢,猜测可能它会喜欢吧。










🌸 我拿罐头的过程中点点已经“喵喵喵”提醒我快点了,嗯,我给你把碗先洗干净呀!倒的过程中,点点已经前腿扒桌子上看着碗了~你们说点点对这款罐头是有多喜欢?


🌸 点点吃着吃着眼睛就眯起来了,喊它抬头制造噪音勾引他,为了想拍个正脸,不理我,完全沉浸在享受汤汁美食中


🌸 强烈推荐铲屎官们给猫主子试试这款猫罐头,价格不贵主子们还吃的开心❤️

 # 家有萌宠大曝光 # # 百万积分第7 # # 宠物食品 #