"Fat Reduction Recipe" Sage Seed Oatmeal Cookies This recipe is super simple and rude, suitable for novices in the kitchen and girls in the fat loss period Hands-on time 10 minutes, bake time 22 minutes Baking time is long enough to wash up! ! ! 🍪Ingredients 1. 1.5 teaspoons sage seeds, 1/4c milk 2. 2 bananas, 3/4c oats, a handful of pumpkin seeds, 12 red dates, 2 teaspoons coconut oil 🍪 Steps 1. Soak the sage seeds with milk until thick 2. Crush the bananas in another bowl during the foaming time, then pour in the oatmeal pumpkin seeds and red dates (shred by hand), then mix with coconut oil 3. Pour the flax seeds + milk into the oatmeal banana mixture 4. Scoop out the ice cream scoop, 1.5 scoops for a cookie 5. 350 degrees F, 22 minutes. The recipe can be made up to 8 pieces and should not be stored at room temperature for more than a week. Satiety is strong! ! ! # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 #
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亚米精選 「减脂期食谱」鼠尾草籽燕麦饼干 这个食谱超简单粗暴,适合厨房小白和减脂期的妹子们 动手时间10分钟,烘焙时间22分钟 烘焙的时间足够洗漱了!!! 🍪原料 1. 鼠尾草籽1.5茶勺,牛奶1/4c 2. 香蕉两根,燕麦3/4c,南瓜子一小把,红枣12颗,两茶勺椰子油 🍪步骤 1.用牛奶泡发鼠尾草籽至粘稠 2.泡发时间在另一个碗里压碎香蕉,然后倒入燕麦南瓜籽和红枣(用手撕碎),然后椰子油拌匀 3.把亚麻籽+牛奶倒入燕麦香蕉混合物 4.冰激淋勺舀出来,1.5勺一个饼干 5. 350华氏度,22分钟。 方子可做8个,室温保存不要超过一周。饱腹感很强!!! # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 #