# 百万积分第7季 # Make a rollover omelet... But the taste is okay! I added green vegetables, green peppers, ham, mushrooms, cheese. Then beat three eggs and beat into egg mixture. The method is to put the ingredients in first, and then pour in the egg mixture. Be sure to cover the bottom of all dishes with egg liquid, otherwise it will overturn... Then turn over and cook for a while, put the cheese on the half and close it. Put it in the pot for a few seconds and wait for the cheese to melt, and then it's ready to serve!
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# 百万积分第7季 # 做翻车的omelet…… 不过味道还可以! 我加了青菜,青椒,ham粒,蘑菇,芝士。然后打了三个蛋搅拌成蛋液。 做法是先放材料进去,然后倒入蛋液。 一定要蛋液覆盖所有的菜底部,要不翻面就会翻车…… 然后翻面在煮一会放上芝士在一半的位置合上。在放锅里几秒等芝士融化些,就可以出锅啦!