# 百万积分第7季 # Being alone in a foreign land is a stranger. Every festival is three pounds fat🙈 It is difficult to reunite with the family. It is also a beautiful thing to organize a brunch with three or five confidants 🥂 Thank you friends for being with us all the way 👫👭👬 It's the time you spend with me that makes me precious ❣️
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# 百万积分第7季 # 独在异乡为异客 每逢佳节胖三斤🙈 难以阖家团聚 与三五知己组局brunch亦是美事一桩🥂 感谢朋友们一路相伴👫👭👬 正是你们花费在我身上的时间 让我变得珍贵❣️