Juewei Chuanxiang grilled fish, one of the most authentic I have ever eaten in the Bay Area👍 Ingredients corn🌽/black fungus/soybean sprouts/peanuts🥜/jalapeno peppers🌶️ You can also add other accessories, we chose lotus root slices and hairy belly Spicy but not numb, fragrant but not woody, fresh but not fishy, crisp but not greasy Small size is just right for two people~ #五行缺辣 #@我们一起来种草
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亚米精選 绝味川湘烤鱼,算我在湾区吃过最正宗之一👍 配料玉米🌽/黑木耳/黄豆芽/花生🥜/墨西哥藤椒🌶️ 还可另加辅料,我们选了藕片和毛肚 辣而不麻,香而不柴,鲜而不腥,酥而不腻 Small size两人食刚刚好~ # 五行缺辣 #@我们一起来种草