
Delicious soy sauce eggplant shredded pork noodles tutorial

My love of cooking is inseparable from my mother's influence. Whatever I like to eat, she will definitely study that dish until it is the best, so most of the food I liked as a child in my memory came from my mother.

I have always loved eggplants since I was a child, and generally there are more eggplants in autumn and winter, so I remember that the dinner table in mid-autumn and winter is all kinds of eggplants. My favorite is the diced eggplant noodles made by her. I feel the conscience and say it is the best eggplant noodles I have ever eaten. The weather is very cold recently when the seasons change. I somehow miss the eggplant noodles that I loved the most when I was a child. I tried my best to recall that taste and try to make it my mother's version. It was quite successful.


💗The reason why her eggplant diced noodles is particularly fragrant is mainly due to Haitian bean paste and Northeast soybean paste The addition of the Northeast soybean paste may not be easy to buy. If you don't have it, you can use all the bean paste. I used 3 spoons because the sauce needs to be salty, please adjust it yourself.

💗The garlic flavor that is simmered before serving is also important. Also, be sure to add more meat than usual because eggplant absorbs oil, so don't consider heat at this time. The amount of ingredients is estimated by me without measurement, everyone can adjust according to their own taste.

💗I used high-gluten flour today to make it very tastyQThe thick noodles that pop up, you can post a tutorial another day, and you can also change to thin noodles according to your own taste.


<Ingredients>< /p>

- 1 eggplant, cut into strips

- 100 g Pork, shredded

- 1 small spoon of cooking wine

- 1 Tsp light soy sauce

- Small half spoon of dark soy sauce

- Ginger Silk

- 4garlics (3 chopped,1sliced)

- Scallions

- 2 spoon of doubanjiang

- 1spoon of Northeastern soybean paste

- 2 red peppers, cut into sections

- Appropriate amount of water

- a small amount of sugar

<Steps>< /p>

1. Add a small amount of salt to the diced eggplant and let it sit for 10Squeeze out the water after 10 minutes.

2. Pork marinated with cooking wine and light and dark soy sauce.

3. Add oil when the pot is hot, add pork shreds, fry a few times and then add ginger, minced garlic, green onions and red pepper, saute until fragrant.

4. Inin a pot< span class="s3">Add bean paste and northeastern soybean paste, stir-fry until fragrant and add eggplant strips.

5. Fry the eggplant until it changes color and add an appropriate amount of water, not too much, probably1Small cup, make sure it doesn’t stick to the pot, then cover the pot and simmer3-5 minutes or so.

6. Open the lid to check and add some more water if the eggplants are still soft. If cooked, add a small amount of sugar to enhance the flavor, add garlic slices, cover and simmer for 30seconds. .

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- 1个茄子,切小条

- 100 g 猪肉,切成丝

- 1 小勺料酒

- 1 小勺生抽酱油

- 小半勺老抽酱油

- 姜丝

- 4颗蒜(3颗切碎,1颗切片)


- 2 勺豆瓣酱

- 1勺东北大豆酱

- 2个红辣椒,切段

- 适量清水

- 少量糖


1. 往切成小条的茄子里加少量盐静置,过10分钟后挤出水分。

2. 猪肉加料酒和生抽和老抽腌制。

3. 锅热后加油,下猪肉丝,炒几下后加姜,蒜碎,葱和红辣椒,炒香。

4. 锅内加入豆瓣酱和东北大豆酱,炒香后加茄条。

5. 炒到茄子变色后加入适量清水,不用太多,大概1小杯,保证不糊锅就可以,之后盖上锅盖焖3-5分钟左右。

6. 打开锅盖检查一下,如果茄子还没有变软就再加一些水。如果熟了就加少量糖提味,并放入蒜片,盖上盖子焖30秒即可盛出。