The cover design is a mirror‼ ️Too scheming‼ ️ JM's facial mask has always been my favorite, and as soon as I saw that he had a lip mask, I bought it, and sure enough! pretty good! It is not inferior to Laneige at all, even I think it is better than Laneige! ‼ ️And I found out that the cover is a mirror, so thoughtful design, I was really stunned, with this "careful machine", the lip mask no longer needs to be r0 blindly before going to bed at night, happy 🥳 🌸The smell of cherry blossoms is on the top, and I feel like a pink fairy when I apply it 🧚‍♀️ 🌸Compared with Laneige, it is thinner, without the stickiness of Laneige, the paste turns into a slippery oil on the lips, it feels more comfortable, it is very moisturizing, and instantly relieves the dry feeling 🌸 Apply thinly at home during the day and apply thickly at night. After a few days, you can already feel that there is no dead skin on the lips, and the lip lines are not so obvious # 今天也是yami的一天 #
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亚米精選 盖子设计是一面镜子‼️太心机了‼️ JM的面膜一直是我心头最爱,一看到他家有唇膜我就入了,果然!很好哦!一点不输兰芝,甚至我觉得更胜兰芝! ‼️而且我发现了盖子是一面镜子,好贴心的设计,真的惊呆了我,有了这个“小心机”,晚上睡前唇膜就再也不用盲擦了,开心🥳 🌸樱花味上头了,涂上觉得自己就是粉嫩的仙女🧚‍♀️ 🌸相比兰芝,它更薄,没有兰芝的粘,膏体上嘴化成滑滑的油,感觉更舒服,就是非常水润,瞬间舒缓那种干绷感 🌸日间在家薄涂,晚上厚敷,不用几天下来就已经感觉到嘴唇上没有死皮,唇纹没有那么明显# 今天也是yami的一天 #