# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # This Taiwan Dajia Shi's taro cake is really good-looking and delicious. The only problem is that it is a little expensive. 🤏🏻 Each one is quite small, but it’s the kind that is full after eating. Haha, the fabric is very rich, the meringue is very crispy, not thick, the taro paste is full, super fragrant, and it’s runny inside, like milk, and there are big pearls in it 🎉 A dim sum that satisfies my desire to eat Taiwanese dim sum, mashed taro, and drink bubble milk tea! 🥳Three ways to eat: 1⃣️ Room temperature. At room temperature, when you cut it open, the inside is already flowing, and the whole is very soft, waxy and sweet. 2⃣️ Freeze. Throw it in the refrigerator with the package and freeze it. Take it out the next day and melt it for a while. All the fillings are still soft and have a cool taste, which is especially suitable for enjoying in winter when there is sufficient heating. 3⃣️Heating. Put it in the microwave for 15s-30s, the taro paste becomes softer and melts in your mouth. The moment the microwave was turned on, the aroma rushed out of the kitchen, and tears flowed from the corners of my mouth...
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亚米精選 # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 这款台湾大甲师的芋头酥真的颜值又高味道又好 唯一的毛病就是贵了那么一点点🤏🏻 一只个头挺小的 不过是吃了管饱的那种哈哈 里面料非常足 酥皮很酥 不厚 芋泥塞得满满当当 超级香 再往里面是流心 像牛奶一样 里面还有大颗的珍珠 🎉一款点心满足了我又想吃台湾点心又想吃芋泥又想喝珍珠奶茶的心愿! 🥳三种吃法: 1⃣️常温。常温状态下切开里面就已经是流心啦,整体非常软糯香甜。 2⃣️冷冻。带包装一起扔进冰箱冷冻,隔一天拿出来稍微化一会儿,里面所有的馅依然还都是软的,带了一丝冰凉的口感,特别适合在暖气充足的冬日里享用。 3⃣️加热。放进微波炉转15s-30s,芋泥变得更加柔软,入口即化。打开微波炉的一刹那,香味就冲出厨房,嘴角流下眼泪……