# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 🌶️Does everyone like to eat stinky tofu? I don’t really like the canned Wang Zhihe that is very salty and stinky, but I also like the fried stinky tofu from Changsha snacks on the street. It smells stinky, but tastes good. Spicy and delicious! 🌶️I never thought that you can put stinky tofu in your pocket and eat it whenever you want! I recently purchased this "Sanriyue·Qilixiang Stinky Tofu", which gave me another street flavor that I haven't eaten for a long time. 🌶️Brand: Sanriyue Product Name: Qilixiang Stinky Tofu Net content: 120g Yami selling price: $3.49 🌶️Each piece of stinky tofu is individually packaged and ready to eat right out of the bag. I like the spicy taste very much. I thought it should be the taste of spicy dried bean curd, but I didn’t expect the smell of stinky tofu in it! Both the taste and the taste are very good! I see some people say that it will be thicker, smellier and more delicious if you fry it in a pan for a while and heat it up, then sprinkle some seasonings on it! But I opened the bag and ate it up in no time before I took out the pot😂, I will try it when I repurchase it again. 🌶️ Friends who like to eat stinky tofu, please rush to duck~🚀
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亚米精選 # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 🌶️大家都喜欢吃臭豆腐吗?我是不太喜欢的那种王致和罐装的很咸很臭的那种,但是我又很喜欢街边那种长沙小吃的油炸臭豆腐,闻着臭臭的,但是吃起来又香又辣,回味无穷! 🌶️没想到现在可以把臭豆腐装进口袋里,随时想吃就吃!最近购入了这款「三日月·七里香臭豆腐」,让我又吃到了好久没吃到的街边风味。 🌶️品牌:三日月 品名:七里香臭豆腐 净含量:120g 亚米售价:$3.49 🌶️每块臭豆腐都是独立小包装,开袋即食,我非常喜欢的香辣口味,我以为应该就是香辣豆干的味道,没想到真的有臭豆腐的味道在里面!无论从口感还是味道非常不错!我看有人说用锅稍微煎一会加热一下再撒点调料吃就更浓更臭更好吃啦!不过我打开这一袋还没等我拿出锅就已经瞬间吃光了😂,等我再回购的要尝试一下。 🌶️喜欢吃臭豆腐的小伙伴们快冲鸭~🚀