# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #Snack brand Matsunaga Matsunaga has been selling well in Japan for 80 years, His family has four most classic biscuits🍪, they are as follows: Strawberry Filling, Chocolate Finger Cookies, Red Bean Cookies and Caramel Filling. Strawberry control, I brushed this new product when Yami was placing an order, and I did not hesitate to add it. Add to cart! 😁 The red packaging is very festive, a pack of 16 small packets, which is suitable for sharing and eating. The biscuits are also medium in size and crispy to bite. Since there is not a lot of filling, so It doesn't feel too sweet to eat. I think the sweetness is moderate, and I can still eat some small strawberry seeds when I chew it slowly. The overall taste is a bit old, although the appearance is not very good, but if it matches With refreshments or milk, it must be wonderful and delicious. I believe that strawberry lovers will like it~
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亚米精選 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #零食品牌Matsunaga 松永 在日本畅销80年, 他家有四款最经典的饼干🍪,分别如下: 草莓夹心、巧克力手指饼干、红豆饼干和焦糖夹心。 草莓控的我早前在亚米凑单时刷到这款新品,毫不犹豫加 入购物车!😁 红色的包装很喜庆,一包16小包,分享自吃两相宜。 饼干大小也适中,咬着很脆,由于夹心不是非常多,所以 吃着也不会觉得特别甜腻。 我觉得甜度适中,慢慢细嚼还能吃到部分细小的草莓籽。 总体味道有点古早,虽然外表不是非常出色,但要是搭配 茶点或牛奶的话,肯定是绝妙又滋味的。 相信草莓控会喜欢的~