Refa's dual wheels, you can roll it around when you have nothing to do, it's super convenient! I think this one is better than other models in that it can be used on the face and body. And this one can be soaked in water. It can also be used after applying lotion at night. After use, rinse it off with water. , My face is thin and I can take pictures in summer~ The strength of pancakes is recommended! Like it~
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Refa的雙輪,閒著沒事就拿來滾滾滾,超級方便的!我覺得這款比別的款好的是臉和身體都可以用. 而且這款可以沾水. 晚上塗好乳液後也可以接著用. 用完以後拿去用水沖洗就乾淨了. 和閨蜜人手一個,臉瘦了夏天好拍照呀~餅子實力推薦!讚啦~