# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # There are actually powders in the world that don't get fat | Fat-reducing happy noodles I always saw konjac noodles in Yachao and Meichao, but I didn't know what to do. Finally saw that Asian fitness bloggers recommend Noodle Zero as konjac noodles with good ingredients Resolutely place an order. (Yami.com currently has any anniversary activities, originally $5.99 a pack is now $3... I feel like I lost 100 million when I bought it last month) Here's a taste test: "Original Cup Stewed Chicken Noodles" I like this flavor the most. It's a bit like chicken soup. It's very delicious with some rapeseed mushrooms. The face pocket says 44 calories, add it to a full meal, add it up to no more than 100 calories, and be happy to take off "Laotan Pickled Cabbage Noodles" is a bit like instant noodles with Laotan Pickled Cabbage and Beef Noodles. Suitable for serving with beef or meatballs or vegetables "Seafood flavor noodles" is relatively fresh, suitable for eating with some fish balls and shrimp "Thai Tom Yum Noodles" is very Tom Yum Kung. I personally don't like tom yum gong so I don't care about it In general, it is really low in calories, can be a healthy meal replacement, suitable for fat loss and busy children's shoes who don't have time to cook, ketogenic friendly. But I personally recommend eating three or four times a week, after all, it’s still fast food. Hurry up and stock up, it's almost out of stock hahah
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 世上竟然有吃了不胖的粉儿|减脂开心嗦粉 在亚超美超总看到魔芋面,苦于不知道怎么做一直没下手 终于看到亚洲健身博主推荐Noodle Zero是配好料包的魔芋面 果断下单。(亚米网目前有什么周年活动,本来$5.99 一包现在$3...上个月买的感觉自己亏了一个亿) 以下是味道的测评: 「原盅炖鸡面」我最喜欢这个味道的,有点鸡汤的意思,加点油菜香菇什么的非常好吃。面口袋上写着44卡路里,饱餐一顿加吧加吧不超过100卡,开心到起飞 「老坛酸菜面」这个有点儿方便面老坛酸菜牛肉面的味道。适合搭配肥牛或者丸子或者蔬菜 「海鲜风味面」这个就是比较鲜,适合加点儿鱼丸虾仁一起吃 「泰式冬阴功面」非常冬阴功。我个人不爱吃冬阴功所以对这个无感 总的来说卡路里确实低,能健康代餐,适合减脂而且很忙,没时间做饭的童鞋们,生酮友好。但是个人推荐一周吃三四次就行,毕竟还是速食。 赶紧下手囤,已经快没货了hhh