# 万物皆可Sanzo # Summer is here. The temperature is getting higher and higher. The mouth is getting more and more thirsty. At this time, drinking some soda is really super thirst-quenching. However, although soda is full of steam and delicious, but the calories are bursting. Fortunately, there is something called "sparkling water". Not to mention the low calorie. The steam is also full. This American Sanzo sparkling water also comes in a variety of fruit flavors. Really see my weight loss savior la la la la! If you are not used to drinking soda water. You must try this sparkling water from Sanzo. Slightly sweet and steamy. Low in calories. This bottle is only 20 calories. This mango-flavored sanzo is actually not very strong when drinking mango. Because it's all made from real mangoes. No saccharin added. You can really drink it with confidence. Or I think it tastes better with some ice and some fresh fruit. Summer home. Watermelon is the most. So I chose watermelon to drink with sanzo. Really dead. Every bite is refreshing. Mango flavor is recommended.
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亚米精選 # 万物皆可Sanzo # 夏天到啦.温度越来越高. 口就越来越渴了.这时候喝些汽水真的超级解渴. 但是奈何汽水虽汽足好喝.但是卡路里爆棚啊. 幸好还有叫【气泡水】的东西. 卡路里低不说.汽也是十足十足的. 这款美国的Sanzo气泡水还有各种水果味. 真的见到我减肥的救星啦啦啦啦! 如果喝不惯苏打水的话. 亲们一定要试试这款sanzo家的气泡水. 微甜汽足.卡路里低. 这样一瓶只有20卡哦. 这款芒果口味的sanzo当喝着芒果味其实不是很强烈. 因为它都是来自真芒果制作的. 没有添加任何糖精. 真的可以放心喝. 或者我觉得加点冰和放些鲜水果味道更佳. 夏天的家里.西瓜最多了. 所以我就选了西瓜搭配着sanzo喝. 真的绝了. 每一口都清爽爆了. 推荐芒果味.