# 亚米商城6周年 # Before pollen season. Sore throat. Saw this on Yamibuy's third-party store Japan's ASADAAME throat lozenges were hooked at once. Although it says it's for children. But still couldn't resist buying it. But read the manual. Suitable for people over 5 years old. The effect is to help relieve cough, soothe the throat, sore throat and other uncomfortable states. Available in strawberry and grape flavors. I chose the strawberry flavored one. A box of 30 capsules.. 5-7 years old 1 capsule. 8 years and older can take 2 capsules. It's a lozenge without sugar. The packaging is also cute. He immediately took one and put it in his mouth. The taste of this strawberry is too advanced. It's too delicious. If it wasn't for throat lozenges. I can really eat it all Really. buy it. Prepare it for yourself or your daughter-in-law. Although it is Japanese direct mail. International. But got it in less than a week. Really appreciate the logistics.
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亚米精選 # 亚米商城6周年 # 之前花粉季节. 喉咙老不舒服. 在亚米第三方商城看见这款 日本的ASADAAME润喉糖一下就被迷住了. 虽然写着是儿童款的. 但是还是忍不住买了. 不过看了下说明书. 适合5岁以上的人群. 功效是帮助减缓咳嗽.润喉.咽喉肿痛等不适状态. 有草莓味和葡萄味选择. 我选了草莓味的. 一盒30粒.. 5-7岁1粒. 8岁以上可2粒. 是一款没有糖分的润喉糖哦. 包装也可可爱爱的. 立马拿了一颗含在嘴里. 这草莓的味道也太高级.太好吃了吧. 要不是写着润喉糖. 我真的能都吃掉了😂 真的.买起来. 给自己或者闺女备着. 虽然说是日本直邮.跨国的. 但是不到一周就收到了. 真的给物流点个赞.