#即食美味 #This Korean CJ Xijie's Korean Seaweed Soup Soup Rice is one that satisfies my craving for a "quick-convenient-warm" morning on a cloudy morning. It will be out of stock when it is listed on Yamibuy.com 🈶️, so I always stock up about 7-8 bowls 😉 The calories in a bowl are 250 calories, and there is a ready-to-eat meal, a package of ingredients and sauces, and a spoon. (Picture 3⃣️) It is kelp and sauce. The small kelp grains don’t seem to imagine that they will turn into large pieces of kelp after being heated up😮. The original instructions on the product are to put the rice, ingredients, and sauce packets into a bowl, add water to the protruding measuring line in the middle of the bowl, and then heat it in the microwave. But I don't really like this operation because the rice will become more sticky. In my own way, I put the ingredients and sauce packets into a bowl and add water to the protruding measuring line in the middle. For instant rice, first peel off the 2-inch opening of the packaging, and put the soup and rice into the microwave for heating. My microwave is 1200w, and it's done in 1 minute and 30 seconds. After it came out of the oven, I poured the rice into the soup, loosened the rice and mixed it, and it was ready to go! I ate my hearty and filling breakfast in minutes! Super 🈶️ Efficiency!
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亚米精選 # 即食美味 #这个韩国CJ希杰的韩式海带汤泡饭是一个能满足我想在阴天的早晨想吃一个“快-方便-暖和”的早晨的要求。它在亚米网上🈶️时会出现缺货的噢,所以我每次都会囤个7-8碗左右😉 一碗的卡路里就250大卡,里面有一个即食饭,一个配料包和酱包,还有一个勺子。(图3⃣️)是海带和酱料,小小的海带粒看上去完全没有想象到热开后会变成大片的海带😮。本来产品上的指示是把饭,配料,和酱包放进碗里,加水到碗里的中间凸出的量线,再放到微波炉加热。但我不太喜欢这样的操作,因为米饭会变得更粘稠。我就用自己的方式,把配料和酱包放进碗里加入食用水到中间凸出的量线位置,即食饭先把包装剥开2寸的开口,汤跟饭一起放进微波炉加热。我的微波炉是1200w的,叮个1分30秒就搞定了。出炉后我把饭倒进汤里,把饭打松拌一下,就可以开动啦! 暖胃饱肚的早餐我几分钟就吃完了!超🈶️效率!