# 我的囤货清单 # Then push a good eye mask to your friends. Spa Treatment's Red Box Viper Eye Mask in Japan. It is the top 5 eye mask I have ever used. The main effect of this is anti-wrinkle. Lifting. It also has the effect of lightening dark circles. The eye mask comes in a box. 60 tablets in a box. Comes with a pair of tweezers. According to the official introduction, the main ingredients of this eye mask are human adipose stem cell extract HAS, placenta essence and hyaluronic acid and other extracts. Although some don't know what it is. But I really like it when I use it. Apply it coldly. Very comfortable. Take it off in about 15-20 minutes. I use this 2-3 times a week. Get up the next morning. The firmness around the eyes is really different from that without it. So I will repurchase!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 再推一款好用的眼膜给伙伴们. 日本的Spa Treatment红盒毒蛇眼膜. 是我用过觉得好用的眼膜排行前五. 这款的主要功效是抗皱.提拉.也有淡化黑眼圈效果. 眼膜是盒装的. 一盒里60片. 附送一把镊子夹. 官方介绍这眼膜的主要成分有人体脂肪干细胞提取液HAS.胎盘精华和玻尿酸等提取物. 虽然有的不知道啥物. 但是我的使用感是真的喜欢. 敷上去冰冰凉凉的. 很舒服. 大概15-20分取下. 我每周会使用这款2-3次. 第二天早上起来. 眼睛周围的紧致感和没有敷的真的有差. 所以我才会回购!