# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # KAI Beiyin SEKIMAGOROKU Guan Sunliu One-piece high carbon stainless steel Santoku knife 165mm. The name is quite long, and Shun Xun knife is a company. Xun knives are generally made of vgmax, and then upgraded to sg2, and then to high-carbon stainless steel. But the high-carbon stainless steel of the shunxun series is more expensive, and I have not tried it. I have vg10 and vgmax at home, and I have also tried the sg2 knife from Miabiya's house, which is not very easy to use. This time I bought this high-carbon stainless steel from the same manufacturer because I wanted to use it to cut beef tongue (it is really difficult to cut). The new knife really cuts iron like mud, and it is very cool to use. And there is no need to worry about mold on the joint of the wooden handle. I thought it would not be very good-looking, but the real knife is unexpectedly very good-looking. It is recommended to buy it for special meat cutting. (twenty four)
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亚米精選 # 2022年中大促囤货指南 # KAI贝印 SEKIMAGOROKU关孙六 一体成形高碳不锈钢三德刀 165mm。名字挺长的,和shun旬knife刀是一个公司。旬刀一般都是用的vgmax制作,再升级是sg2,然后才是高碳不锈钢。但是shun旬series系列的高碳不锈钢就比较贵了,我没有试过。 我家里有vg10和vgmax,也试过米亚比雅家不太好用的sg2刀。这次买这个同厂家的高碳不锈钢是想拿来切牛舌(实在是难切)。新刀真的是削铁如泥,用的好爽。而且刀身一体也不用担心木手柄连接处会发霉。本来以为不会很好看,意外的真刀还挺好看的,推荐买来备着专门切肉。(24)