#眼睛眨啊眨# PienAge has been It's my favorite brand Her family's color contact lenses have bought many different color styles Basically no thunder The diameter is too large, so it is not suitable for wearing without makeup The effect of wearing makeup is very beautiful! ! Today's color is FANCY Outer ring brown Inner ring dark yellow It has a brightening effect on the eyes✨ Because of the color scheme of the earth So it's more natural Light makeup can also be controlled! There are several different series of color contact lenses in her family FANCY is UV Moist series Very moisturizing, non-drying and UV-resistant Personally, I feel much more comfortable than the main series! ! Wear it all day without dryness Because the water content is as high as 55% So the lenses are very soft and breathable!
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# 眼睛眨啊眨 # PienAge 一直以来 都是我很偏爱的一个牌子 她家的美瞳买过很多不同的颜色款式 基本都没有踩雷 直径偏大所以不太适合素颜佩戴 化妆佩戴效果非常美!! 今天晒的颜色是FANCY 外圈棕色里圈深黄色 对眼睛很有提亮效果✨ 因为大地色的配色 所以也是比较偏自然的 淡妆也可以驾驭! 她家的美瞳有几个不同的系列 FANCY是UV Moist系列的 非常水润不干涩又可以防紫外线 个人觉得比主系列要舒服很多!! 戴一整天也不会干涩 因为含水量高达55% 所以镜片非常柔软透气!