#兔然就过年了# Did you eat and drink a lot during the Chinese New Year? Eat a little vegetarian to lighten the burden? ? This vegetarian steak is actually a soy protein product Individually packaged, hygienic and convenient Inside each pack is a small snack of protein products In terms of taste, it is very close to meat, but it has nothing to do with steak The only thing that has something to do with the steak is probably the sauce (but it's not very similar The taste is very similar to Zhang Qilong's brushed silk It's like Zhang Qilong's brushed cool flip without the spicy version Still a good "healthy" choice as a snack
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# 兔然就过年了 # 过年大吃大喝了没 吃点素的减轻点负担?? 这款素的牛排其实就是大豆蛋白制品 独立包装 卫生又方便 每一包里面都是一颗蛋白制品的小零嘴 口感上 是很接近肉类的 但跟牛排没多大关系 唯一跟牛排能有点关系的 可能就是酱汁吧(但也没有很像 口感上跟张奇龙拉丝爽特别的像 像是没有辣味版的张奇龙拉丝爽翻板 作为零食 还是不错的“健康”选择