Thai grass paste is really popular This ointment was actually brought back when I traveled to Thailand last year. This green grass ointment was very popular on the Internet and said that it was a must-buy product in Thailand, so I also bought this green grass ointment. In fact, it has miraculous effects on burns and has many effects comparable to universal ointment Such as mosquito bites, colds, dizziness, rheumatism, swelling, pain, bruises, back pain, etc. can all play a certain effect #春季养身计划#
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泰国青草膏着实火了一把 这款药膏其实是去年去泰国旅游的时候带回来的 这个青草膏在网上很火 说是去泰国必买的产品 于是也入手了 这个青草膏其实对烫伤有奇效 还有很多功效 堪比万用膏 如蚊虫叮咬 伤风感冒 头晕目眩 风湿肿痛 跌打损伤 腰酸背痛等都能起到一定的效果 # 春季养身计划 #