The basic ingredients of five-spice powder are ground pepper, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, and cumin. It is mainly used in stewed meat or poultry dishes. It can also be added to marinades for flavor or stuffing, or added to salt for Chinese frying. Five-spice salt as a food dipping material can also be used as stuffing #春季养身计划#
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五香粉基本成份是磨成粉的花椒、八角、桂皮、丁香、小茴香 主要用于炖制的肉类或者家禽菜肴 也可以加在卤汁中增味或拌馅 或者加入盐里作中式油炸食物的沾料 五香盐亦可用来做填肚料 # 春季养身计划 #