# 亚米经验值+1 #This biscuit was not found in the mother and baby area But it feels like a snack that can be given to Xiao Ma Of course it was decided after the old mother tasted it It is estimated that the selling point of this biscuit is the cute and lovely airplane shape. This big bag is just over $2, and there are 30 to 40 small planes by visual inspection. Compared with the small biscuits for mothers and babies, the cost performance is much higher On the palate, it is dry and crisp, a little bit hard But it’s no problem for children to eat it, so it can help to grind their teeth Dry and crispy, adults will also enjoy the taste It tastes like the original biscuit Very little sweetness This is much friendlier than the baby snacks bought by many grandmas. Even though it is not sweet, the biscuits are very fragrant, so adults and children should like it Look at the package, the name is natural material I don't know if it means that some materials are mainly natural It is unrealistic to expect it to have no additives at all I just hope it's a little less The summary is that this is a daily snack that adults can enjoy happily Occasionally, it can be used as a reward for children to eat two Super cost-effective cute love biscuits
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# 亚米经验值+1 #这款小饼干不是在母婴区发现的 但感觉上是可以给小马哥吃的零食 当然是在老母亲尝了尝之后决定的 估计这款饼干的卖点就是可可爱爱的飞机造型吧 这一大包$2出头 目测有个三四十颗小飞机 相比母婴专去的小饼干 性价比可高出了不少 口感上 干干脆脆的 一丢丢硬 但小朋友吃完全没问题 好可以帮忙磨磨牙 干爽酥脆 大人也会enjoy的口感 口味上就是原味饼干的味道 甜味很不突出 这点要比很多小马哥奶奶买的宝宝零食友好太多了 即便不甜 但饼干很香 所以大人小孩应该都会喜欢 看包装 名字叫自然素材 不知道是不是说说有的材料都以自然为主 指望它完全没有添加剂不现实 只希望能少一丢丢吧 总结就是 这是一款大人可以开心enjoy的日常小零食 偶尔可以作为奖励给小朋友吃两颗 性价比超高的可可爱爱小饼干