# 冬日养生 #If I have the opportunity, I will recommend this walnut, black sesame and black bean powder to every friend with thinning hair or hair loss. Walnuts nourish the brain, black beans nourish the kidneys, and sesame nourishes the hair. A three-pronged approach to nourish hair and health. , I wish you all have flowing hair, because you are beautiful to begin with!
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# 冬日养生 #如果有机会,我会把这款核桃黑芝麻黑豆粉推荐给每一位头发稀疏或者有脱发困扰的朋友,核桃补脑,黑豆补肾,芝麻养发,三管齐下,养发养生,祝大家都有飘逸的秀发,因为,你本来就很美!