Iced black tea + ice + lemon (+ soda water), because it is delivered, there is no way to tag it, but! Iced red tea! It's that iced tea! You can open the refrigerator and unscrew the lid as soon as you get home and drink half the bottle in one go. You can also change to a petty bourgeois drinking method, using time for deliciousness haha! It's really nice to have such a cup back at the gym! If you don't like sweet, you can add a little more ice like me!
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冰红茶+冰+柠檬(+苏打水),因为是送的所以没有办法tag,但是!冰红茶!就是那个冰红茶! 你可以一回家打开冰箱拧开盖子一鼓作气咕嘟咕嘟一口气喝完大半瓶。也可以换一种小资的喝法,用时间换美味嘛哈哈! gym回来这样一杯真的美滋滋!不喜欢甜的可以像我这样多加一点冰哦!