# 新春甜茶 #I like the scent of osmanthus. Compared with instant bird's nest, I have to add a stewing process, but it is relatively simple. Instant bird's nest can be put in your bag, which is very convenient for going out to play or work. Replenish energy and be energetic all day long. The ingredients are clean and simple, and are very friendly to those who don't like sweet food very much. # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 懒人必备 # Mother's Day is coming, and the opportunity to honor your mother has also arrived❤️ For my current self, for my child's mother, for the mother-to-be, and even more for my younger self# 我的最爱 #
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# 新春甜茶 #喜欢桂花的香味,就是相对即食燕窝,自己再加一道炖煮的工序,不过比较简单。 即食燕窝,可以放自己包里,出去玩,工作都是非常方便的。补充能量,一天都是神采奕奕。 配料也干净简单,对于不是非常喜甜的很友好 # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 懒人必备 # 母亲节快到了,孝敬母上大人的机会也到了❤️ 给自己的目前,给孩子的母亲,给即将成为母亲,更要给年轻的自己# 我的最爱 #