【humidifier】 🔺There is always a humidifier at home. Especially in winter, the air is very dry. In addition, the heating is turned on 24 hours a day. Therefore, a humidifier is needed to relieve the dry indoor air! 🔺This is a humidifier for the little friends at home. First of all, the appearance must be cute. Usually they like pandas. I just saw this on Yamibuy. I ordered it immediately. 🔺Recommended. Because it is so easy to use. There is really no sound at all. The second condition of the humidifier for children is [quiet] not too much noise. Because it will affect the sleep of children. So it is very suitable for us. No Do you know that you can see the steam mist in the photo in Figure 2⃣️? (Because the light in the room is a bit dim. But the reality is very foggy. This is what I want)👍 🔺Usage is also very simple. Under the panda's head is the mouth for water. Then on the belly of the panda is the switch. Generally, the switch can be adjusted to 50% and can be used all night. The air in the room is really comfortable. These days, children I have a cold. The doctor also said that it is best to have a humidifier at home to help children breathe. 🔹The small disadvantage is that when the water dries, it will not turn off automatically. But with so many advantages, this small disadvantage is forgivable 😁
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亚米精選 【加湿器】 🔺家里一直备有加湿器.特别是冬天的空气.特别的干燥.加上家里24小时开着暖气.所以更是需要一台加湿器来缓解干燥的室内空气! 🔺这是给家里的小盆友们准备的加湿器.要求首先颜值一定要可爱啦.平常她们就满喜欢熊猫.之前刚好在亚米网看见有这款.就马上order了. 🔺推荐.因为太好用了.真的一点声音都没有.为小孩准备的加湿器第二条件就是【安静】不能太多噪音.因为会影响小孩的睡眠.所以它很合我们的心意.不知道图2⃣️的照片中 大家看得见蒸汽雾气吗?(因为房间的灯光有点暗.但是现实的雾气很大.我要的就是这个效果)👍 🔺用法也是很简单.熊猫头底下就是装水的口.然后熊猫的肚子上就是开关键.一般开关调50%是可以用一整个晚上的.房间里的空气真的很舒服.这几天小孩感冒了.医生也说家里最好有个加湿器帮助小孩呼吸什么的.所以在美帝很建议家里都要必备几台加湿器哦 🔹小缺点就是当水干以后.不会自动关闭. 不过这么多的优点 这个小缺点是可以原谅的😁