
How to eat konjac hot pot if you don't eat spicy food!

Today we are going to eat Mani Ye Konjac Hot Pot!

Looking at the cover is really tempting! Low fat High fiber Delicious and not afraid of getting fat I have been deeply attracted!

Who doesn't want to boil a bowl of fragrant hot pot with just water when they are hungry at night! !

Okay, then I'll take you to [Konjac Hot Pot] heart

ʕ ••ʔ

After unpacking, take everything out

First row From left to right: Heat pack< span class="s1"> Spicy base material Spicy Chili Spice

Second row From left to right: Dish buns< span class="s1"> Konjac Pack Fork

[It doesn't say anything on the package, it's mainly by yourself to identify it]

According to the edible method on the package,Put them in the upper box in turn < /span>base bag, vegetable bag, konjac bag and add water to half of the upper box

🔔Here is the point! If you are like me not very spicy, you can useMilkReplaceWater If you feel that milk is expensive and a little reluctant, don’t worry, milk and water1:1Also OK

[Please believe me It's not really dark food< span class="s2">! ]

The package says to add to half the upper box, so I...Strictly follow what I said above But it seems that everyone is filling up emmmmI also have some doubts

Because I'm not very good at spicy food, so I didn't add the spicier chili bag, the base bag is already enough flavor

Here is that after I added all the materials, I put a slice on topcheese, delicious and spicy!

The other thing that surprised me about this little hot pot is that its The heating pack doesn't start smoking wildly as soon as you add water. Because the first time I ate other brands of self-heating hot pot, I was taken aback by the smoking scene.  

But not this one! When I quickly put the upper box into the big box and quickly closed the lid, I waited five seconds and no smoke started...I thought it was broken It took about fifteen seconds for it to start gurgling and smoking, really Love the design it gives a sense of peace of mind!

This is what it looks like when you open the lid after cooking! In fact, after a little stirring, it is completely impossible to see that the base is made of milk!

The vegetable bag contains potatoes, fungus, kelp, lotus root, bamboo shoots span>

A lot of ingredients, and they are all delicious!  

The lotus root is crunchy, and it tastes especially good in one bite  span>

The potatoes are soft and glutinous, and the soup is so delicious!  

But I don't particularly like the konjac inside, it doesn't feel elastic enough. However, as 15minconvenient for a small hot pot, it is still acceptable

The combination of

milk andcheese neutralizes the spicy feel. It's still a little spicy, but it's a lot of fun!

Today's konjac hot pot experience ends here~

If you have any questions Welcome to discuss and make comments in the comments∠< /span>( ” ∠)_ 

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看封面真的非常诱人呐!低脂 高纤 美味不怕胖 已经把我深深吸引住了!


好的接下来我带你们走进 【魔芋小火锅】的内心

ʕ ••ʔ


第一行 从左到右:发热包 麻中带辣的底料 更辣的辣椒料

第二行 从左到右:菜包 魔芋包 叉子


根据包装上的食用方法,依次在上层盒内放入 底料包,菜包,魔芋包 并加入水 至上层盒子的一半

🔔这里有重点!如果你像我一样 是个不是很会吃辣的人,可以用牛奶代替 如果你觉得牛奶很贵有点舍不得也不用担心,牛奶和水1:1也行

【请大家相信我 真的不是黑暗料理!】

包装上写着加至上层盒子的一半,所以我...严格按照了上面说的 但是好像发现大家都是加满 emmmm我也有点疑问呢



这个小火锅还有一个让我蛮惊喜的地方就是 它的发热包并不是一加水就开始狂冒烟。因为我以前第一次吃其他牌子的自热小火锅时候,就被那冒烟的场面吓了一跳。 

但是这个一点都不会!当我手疾眼快把上层盒子放进大盒子里然后迅速盖上盖子之后,等了五秒还没有开始冒烟...我还以为它坏了 结果过了十五秒左右才开始咕噜咕噜冒烟,真的很喜欢这种设计 给人一种安心的感觉!


菜包里有 土豆,木耳,海带,莲藕,竹笋







如果有什么问题的话 欢迎在评论探讨和提出意见啦∠( 」∠)_