
What to eat while watching the show?

In a leisurely vacation, in addition to playing, it is time to watch dramas at home!

If you follow dramas, you must have something to eat besides dramas.

Let me be just a few foods that I can eat while watching the show~

Open it and you can smell the faint fragrance of noodles~ slowly wrapped in sugar, it will not be too sweet, and it contains a moderate amount of honey to be seen, especially suitable for belly pads when you are hungry

cup noddle curry~ As soon as you open it, you can smell the strong curry aroma, real potato pieces and minced meat, and the curry taste in the mouth As if still in the mouth

Below👇🏻Spicy skewers with bubbles👆🏻, slightly spicy with the stimulation of bubbles, refreshing, changing and eating, the goods are eaten up in less than a minute

Milk soda must sound weird, how can milk be delicious with bubbles. But this soda is what makes people want to repurchase. Sweet sparkling water with a slight milky taste. (similar to the taste of Yakult). Once you drink one bottle, you will find a second bottle.

It is said that many people have spicy strips in their childhood.and the first time When I heard this snack, I was excited to go to the supermarket to buy a pack. (It was so spicy that I gave up after eating one)

In Yami, I found the kissing burn from his packaging similar to dried tofu and the introduction on the Internet, so I bought a generation.

The spicy and sweet taste is good. (I was drooling while I was eating it😷) Eat a pack of different flavors one by one.

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cup noddle curry~一打开就可以闻到浓浓咖喱香、有货真价实的土豆块和肉沫、入口咖喱味犹如还在口腔




