
[Recommendation of practical and good things in life] Miansen face towel

Face washcloths are disposable products that replace traditional towels After washing your face For face wipes

Towels are usually hung in the toilet after use Special bacteria will be produced span> Generally we don't clean it very often  so using a towel is actually unsanitary A little carelessness may cause breakouts This disposable face towel is thrown away will be much more hygienic!

Miansen face towel has two kinds of packaging: soft box and hard box No content What's the difference? The size will be a little smaller than the usual drawing paper span>Does not take up any space at all All100Pick a box


1⃣️: Thicker like cotton Doesn't shed like paper towels

2⃣️: Soft to the touch Very absorbent


1⃣️: Comfortable on the face Although it is a small one (smaller than my face), it is enough to dry my face! I never used the towel again after using it

2⃣️: not only can be used as a face towel < span class="s3">It can also be used to remove makeupIt can also be used as a mask paper after it is properly cut with lotion Extremely useful!

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洗脸巾就是代替传统毛巾的一次性产品 在洗完脸之后擦脸用的

毛巾平时用完后挂在厕所 会产生特别的细菌 一般我们也不会特别勤的清洗  所以用毛巾其实并不卫生 稍不注意可能就会引起爆痘 这种一次性洗脸巾用完就扔 会卫生的许多!

棉森洗脸巾有软盒跟硬盒俩种包装 内容没有什么差别 大小会比平时用的抽纸小一点 一点也不占地方 都是100抽一盒


1⃣️:比较厚实像棉布一样 不像纸巾那样会掉屑

2⃣️:手感很柔软 很吸水


1⃣️:上脸很舒服 虽然是小小一张(比我脸小)但是用来擦干脸足够了!用了之后再也没有用过毛巾

2⃣️:不仅可以用来当洗脸巾用 还可以用来卸妆配上化妆水合理裁剪后还可以当面膜纸用 特别的实用!


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