UNCLEWU silicone animal bib, this can be said to be the most satisfactory bib I have ever used, the quality is super good, there is no smell at all and there are several patterns to choose from, easy to carry and easy to clean, the material is very soft but will not leak, also It will not be dragged down by the baby. I have used babybjor and OXO before, and it is inconvenient to carry and easily dragged away by the child. This bibs is super soft and can be rolled into a super small carry-on bag to carry without taking up any space. After eating Wet paper towels are super convenient to wipe clean. It can be said to be an artifact for taking your baby out to eat. I strongly recommend it to all mothers. They also have other children's study placemats that are super easy to use.
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亚米精選 UNCLEWU 硅胶动物围兜,这可以说是我用过最满意的bib了,质量超好,一点味道都没有而且有好几种图案可以选方便携带也方便清理,材料特别柔软但是不会漏,也不会一把被宝宝拽下来,以前用过babybjor 和OXO, 不方便携带还轻易被孩子拽飞,这个bibs超级软 ,能卷进超级小的随身包里携带一点也不占空间,吃完饭湿纸巾擦的干干净净超级方便,可以说是带娃出门吃饭神器了,强力推给各位妈妈们 ,他们家还有其他儿童学习餐垫也超好用