
Spicy Hot Pot

August is here, and the weather is suddenly cool. When it's cool, doing housework and cooking is also a lot more diligent.

Eat a super simple incense pot. This bamboo shoot is really delicious, but it is recommended to soak it in advance or it will be sour and salty.


1: Your favorite hot pot ingredients (Sichuan people, our family looks for Dezhuang, resolutely stock up, hot pot ingredients are fried all over the world )

2: Meat dishes - Yellow throat sliced with flower knife, sliced luncheon meat, pork ribs

3: Vegetarian - ADish/Lettuce leaves (it's actually a thing, I don't know why it's called hereA Choy, Persian cucumber strips (closest to the taste of domestic cucumbers), bamboo shoots cut in half, potato slices, white lotus root slices (the lotus root is not crispy, Must see clearly and buy), lettuce strips

How to:

1. Wash the vegetables, rinse off the raw meat, blood and water, and cut them well

2. Add vegetable oil and fry on medium heat until almost done 0 span0(except cucumbers and vegetables that can be eaten raw)

3. Fry the hot pot ingredients in a fragrant pot, do not put excess oil, otherwise it will be greasy, stir frantically and stir well

4. A packet of hot pot ingredients can cook a bunch of them, but the pot can't hold it.

5. Eat, eat, I'm very hungry, I like to serve it with Thai basmati rice, absorbing oil

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1: 自己喜欢的火锅料(四川人,咱家认准德庄,果断囤囤囤,火锅料炒天下)

2: 荤菜 - 花刀切片的黄喉,午餐肉切条,排骨

3: 素菜 - A/莴笋叶(其实是一个东西,不知道为啥这儿叫A Choy,波斯黄瓜条(最接近国内黄瓜的口感味道),笋对半切开,土豆片,白莲藕片(粉藕不脆,一定看清楚了买),莴笋条


1. 菜洗干净,生肉血水啥的漂掉,切好

2. 加植物油,中大火炸炸炸到快熟 (除了能生吃的黄瓜和菜叶)

3. 火锅料香锅炒香,不要放多余的油,不然会腻,疯狂搅拌炒匀

4. 一包火锅料能炒一堆,锅都要装不下了

5. 吃吧吃吧,很饿了,我喜欢配泰国香米饭,吸油