
Pancake Lab|July Empty Bottle

Empty bottles after another, making up one manuscript after another.

I love taking pictures of these beautiful products, leaving them in their full beauty and life after careful use. I also like to write down every recommendation for them./Weed control text, like writing a eulogy for their departure.

🌟Takami |Pore Conditioner

💙 I really feel that it is one of the few that can be clearly seen after a week of use Effective conditioner. For my [thin stratum corneum], [prone to oil and long closed mouth], [sensitive skin] ], takamiis a lifesaver . 

💙 Active ingredient: Sodium citrate, designed to regulate acid-base balance< /span>. 

Compared to the anti-inflammatory brushing acid, this one is much gentler, unclogs the pores, and the skin will not feel irritated, and it will not be red or peeled every night.

💙 After using two bottles, the skin has become more delicate, and some repeated long The closed part is also quite well-behaved. Someone has proposedtakami span>The stabilizing effect is dependent, and the skin will become restless again after stopping. At present, I have no experience in this regard, but I personally feel that if this product is applicable and harmless, the price is affordable, and the effect is even more gratifying, even if it is dependent, why not?

🌟 AHC B5 Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion

Try to be a customer representative.

Emphasize again how difficult it is to choose lotions for sensitive skin. Not moisturizing enough< /span>🙅Too greasy and hard to absorb🙅‍♂️Natural worry about allergenic ingredients🙅Chemical additions will stimulate immediately🙅‍♂️ Once you encounter a suitable lotion, you are afraid to switch easily.

💙 AHC lotions are good for moisturizing, ceramides 3, pentapeptides, etc. are all moisturizing, and there are also plant extracts such as centella asiatica, linden flower, licorice root, etc. For anti-inflammatory sedation.  Silicon and Preservatives added, but also within acceptable limits.

🌟 Albion |Healthy Water

The clichéd essential product for stability maintenance has been used for nearly 4, < /span>5years, all kinds of good words can be added to it Although the mouth is now controlled a lot, and daily wet compresses are no longer needed, when the skin condition is unstable such as changing seasons, staying up late, and changing soil and water, healthy water can be used. is my best partner.

🌟 Koh Gen Do Gangwon-do |Makeup remover

Remove makeup like water to minimize irritation.

The ability to remove makeup for daily sun protection and light makeup is nothing to say. But As I get older, I feel that my face has become a little dry after removing makeup recently, compared to the infinite love I had when I had oily skin in the past few years. span>. It is time to suspend the repurchase when the remaining stock is used up.< /span>

By the way, I recently plantedHacci's makeup remover products, and I have used Will the old friends come to Amway me? 🙋

Procrastination committed, 7month's empty bottle dragged to8Not until the end of the month.  

Work harder next time(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)

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我喜欢为这些漂亮的产物拍照,喜欢留下他们完整美好的样子和认真使用后留下生活的痕迹. 也喜欢为他们用心写下每一篇推荐/灭草文,犹如为他们的离开写一篇悼文.

🌟Takami |毛孔调理液

💙 真心觉得它是少数在使用一周后就能明显看到效果的调理液. 对我这种【角质层薄】、【易出油长闭口】、【敏感肌】的棘手问题户来说,takami是救星般的存在. 

💙 有效成分:柠檬酸钠,旨在调节酸碱平衡. 


💙 使用两瓶后皮肤明显变得细腻了,一些反复长闭口的部位也乖巧不少. 有人提出过takami的维持稳定效果带有依赖性,停用后皮肤会再次躁动起来. 目前我还没有这方面的体会,但是个人觉得,如果这个产品是适用且无危害的,价钱方面也负担得起,效果更是可喜,即使说是有依赖性,又有何不可?

🌟 AHC B5 玻尿酸保湿乳液


需再次强调敏感肌选择乳液是多么困难. 保湿不够不行🙅太油腻难吸收🙅‍♂️纯天然担心含致敏成分🙅化学添加多马上刺激🙅‍♂️ 一旦遇到合适的乳液,是不敢轻易转换的.

💙 AHC的乳液好在单纯做保湿,神经酰胺 3、五胜肽等都是保湿功效的,也有积雪草、椴树花、光果甘草根等植物提取用于消炎镇静.  有硅灵和防腐剂添加,但也保持在可接受范围.

🌟 Albion |健康水

老生常谈的维稳必备产品了,连续用了将近45年,各种美好的词加给它都不为过. 虽然现在闭口控制了不少,已经不需要每日湿敷使用了,但一到换季、熬夜、水土转换等皮肤状态不稳定时,健康水任然是我的最佳拍档.

🌟 Koh Gen Do 江原道 |卸妆水


对日常防晒和淡妆的卸妆能力都是没话说的. 不过随着年纪增大,比起前几年大油皮时的无限喜爱,近来觉得卸妆后脸变得有点干,要是还想刷个牙再洗脸,马上就觉得鼻翼、太阳穴四周干绷绷的. 用完剩下的囤货是该暂停回购了.


