
School season! Five simple and healthy breakfasts to fight hunger 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻

It's already September!

Whether inLAorNY's friends should all start school!

(I beg all the babies who have not started school Do not stimulate this fairy in the comments 🤦🏻‍♀️I have started school1month and a half)

I believe everyone is full of hope and enthusiasm for the start of school


How can you study hard without having enough breakfast!

But how can I get enough sleep and study hard when I get up early in the morning to make breakfast!


This fairy brings you five favorites on weekdays 懒人早餐, anti-hunger and healthy!

Part 1: Grilled Mushroom Sausage Toast🍞🍞🍞

Ben Xian always likes to keep some easy-to-eat ingredients in the refrigerator, such as bacon, cabbage, sausage slices, mushrooms, mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes sauce, beef balls, seaweed and more. (I don't know what it should be called. It's just a large round thin piece of meat The kind that is often included in sandwiches) When you are hungry, you can cook a lot of side dishes in five minutes~

Ingredients: two white mushrooms, two slices of sausage, two rings of onion, basil tomato sauce (or tomato sauce), one slice of cheese, and a little salt.

(Ingredients can be adjusted to personal taste, but basil tomato sauce is the soul)  

First! Come together in the morning to preheat the oven.

🍞 Take out two slices of toast and spread basil on the bread ketchup. (It's the kind of tomato sauce used to make spaghetti bolognese. I really don't use ordinary tomato sauce, but basil tomato sauce is the soul of this breakfast!)

🥪 Two slices of mushrooms, two slices of sausage, cut into strips (sausage slices sometimes There will be tendons, and the whole piece will be torn off after a bite. If you don’t mind, you don’t need to slice it)

🥢 Then put chopped sausage on top, put onion rings, Sprinkle with sliced mushrooms. Put in oven180C,8minutes. (You can brush your teeth and wash your face while baking)

☕️ Wait, take out the toast and place a slice of cheese.

Then let's eat!

😋 The bread is baked with the aroma of wheat, and the sweet and sour basil tomato sauce The flavor is mixed with it, and it is crispy and delicious in one bite. The mushrooms are grilled and tender, and the cheese is mixed with the meat.

Can't help but sigh that cheese is the power!

The second item: Attack on toast!

The steps are the same as the previous one, that is, fry a poached egg over low heat and eat it together, hehe.

The third paragraph: Huahong Liulu (Save the child Who would have thought of making breakfast have to name them) 

Premise: Usually a person can't eat a single serving of ingredients in the United States (like a chicken breast, there are usually two pieces, one can't be eaten), so I will buy the ingredients first When you get home, cut them up and put them in airtight bags and put them in the freezer. To make this breakfast, except for eggs and milk, they are all packaged and cut before.

Ingredients: cherry tomatoes, appropriate amount of chicken breast, appropriate amount of shrimp, appropriate amount of green beans and corn (I am in CostcoThe frozen one I bought), an egg, an appropriate amount of milk, and a little salt.

(I got up late for breakfast this time, and it was too troublesome to fry an egg, so I didn’t add it)

First, get up in the morning, boil a pot of water, pour in green beans and corn kernels, then pick out the (heat stroke) chicken breast and (depressed) shrimp in the frozen layer Come out and soak in water, then go brush your teeth.

After brushing, remove the green beans and corn kernels, add salt, and toss in the chicken breast and shrimp.

At this time, you can wash the cherry tomatoes at the same time, and then cut them in half. If you have enough time, you can make an egg, add some milk and salt, and make an American scrambled egg.

Drain the chicken breast and shrimp into a bowl, add the green beans, corn kernels, sliced cherry tomatoes, and (pretend to have) scrambled eggs.

Then you can eat!

I sometimes like to eat lighter in the morning. If you don't like it so light, you can add sauces as you like, such as white sauce and other salad dressings (but I sometimes find it too greasy in the morning), or sprinkle with black pepper.  

The fourth paragraph: colorful (can't save it go home and euthanize)< /span>

Ingredients: cherry tomatoes6-7pcs, four rings of onion , green beans, a smoked sausage, a moderate amount of cheese. (If you think it's not enough, you can add lettuce. The lettuce can't be kept for a long time, so I rarely buy it)

Get up, boil water, add some salt, put green beans, and brush your teeth.

After brushing your teeth, turn off the heat, scoop out the green beans, and toss in four onion rings.

Meanwhile, wash the cherry tomatoes and cut in half, slice the sausage, and dice the cheese.

Finally mix all the ingredients together and sprinkle with black pepper. Then you can take it to school and eat while listening to the class!

(yes, that's the quickest breakfast I make when I'm running late)

Item 5: Avocado Poached Egg Toast🥪

A simple avocado savertips: Chop up the avocado , then toss with lemon juice. The avocado will be a little yellow the next day, but not black! 🥑🥑🥑

Another poached eggtips: boiled directly in hot water Poached eggs are also troublesome for lazy me. I usually cook3 soft-hearted eggs a few nights ago. (The production method is to boil the eggs in hot water for 5 minutes and then immediately take them out and put them in ice water) Just knock it out like an egg.

Ingredients: half avocado, one egg, appropriate amount of nuts, one egg, appropriate amount of black pepper.

Spread the raw avocado on a slice of bread, beat a soft egg and microwave it15Seconds, (or cook one and get up lazy in the morning) and put the soft-boiled egg on the avocado toast, sprinkle with a little chopped nuts. You can eat it.

Or replace the fluffy eggs with American scrambled eggs (eggs+milk Beat and scramble eggs).  

Hope you all have a great start every morning! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

(Yes That means you Like it quickly)

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(求求各位没开学的宝宝们 不要评论里刺激本仙女🤦🏻‍♀️我已经开学1个半月了)








本仙平日里总爱在冰箱里备着一些不容易坏又非常方便就能吃的食材,如培根,卷心菜,香肠片,香菇,蘑菇,芝士,蕃茄酱,牛肉丸,紫菜等等。(不知道到底应该叫啥 就是一大片圆圆的薄薄的肉 三明治里经常会夹的那种)等肚子饿的时候,直接五分钟就能做很多道小菜啦~




🍞 接着拿出两片吐司,在面包上抹上罗勒番茄酱。(就是做意大利肉酱面用的那种番茄酱,实在没有用普通的番茄酱,但是罗勒番茄酱是这款早餐的灵魂!)

🥪 两个蘑菇切片,两片香肠切条(香肠片有时会有筋,咬一口就连着整片就扯下来了,如果不介意的话就不用特意切片啦)

🥢 然后先把香肠碎放在上面,放洋葱圈圈,再撒蘑菇片。放入烤箱180摄氏度,8分钟。(烤的时候就可以去刷牙洗脸啦)

☕️ 等把烤面包片拿出,放一片芝士。


😋 面包被烤的麦香扑鼻,罗勒番茄酱的酸甜味混在其中,一口下去酥脆可口。蘑菇烤的嫩嫩的,芝士混着肉片。




第三款:花红柳绿(救救孩子吧 谁想到的做早饭还得给他们取名字的) 









早上我有时候喜欢吃的清淡一些。如果不喜欢吃的那么淡可以按自己的喜好加酱,比如说white sauce之类的色拉酱(但是我有时候早上吃会觉得太腻),或者撒黑胡椒。 

第四款:姹紫嫣红(救不了了 回家安乐死吧)














(对的 就是说你 赶紧点赞)