
Make a meal quickly and quickly - microwave oven roasted purple potato

The reason for this story is that Cha Cha found a psychedelic purple potato with a sweet potato skin, which was huge and sweet! !

So after I went home yesterday, Chachaju happily gave me a purple sweet potato, and let me witness the miracle. ❤

I just finished a wave of honey juice homework. I couldn't be hungry. I hugged the purple potato and looked at the oven for three seconds, then... Laziness and hunger made me turn to the microwave next to it. . .

Four to six minutes to solve the roasted purple potato to learn! ! !

My God, I didn't even remember to take a photo yesterday,,, I was hungry and cried,,, so today I use this picture of a sweet potato in a purple potato coat instead of a purple potato in a sweet potato coat. . . What am I talking about. . .

Anyway, first, get out a potato! It's sweet potato, sweet potato, purple potato, ,, eh, so, what about potatoes? ? ? ? ? Try it another day~

The purple potato baked yesterday is about this big, (don't compare it with the door, compare it with the hand), a medium to small size purple potato

First wash it with water, then without wiping the water, wrap it with kitchen paper directly with the water, and twist it on both sides

Why is the kitchen paper not wet with the wet purple potato in the picture? ? ? Because the kitchen paper is of good quality! ! (Say what to believe...) Because this is a pose. . . So I didn't wash it. . . Hahaha. . .

In fact, at this step, the kitchen paper should be a little wet, but this is not enough, I will also drench a little water on it with my hands, why do I do this? ? I don't know,,, the Internet allows to do this. . . Lazy girl never gets into series. . .

Then, put it in the microwave and heat it up! !

This size of purple potato, I heated it for four minutes and took it out. I could pierce it with chopsticks, and I should be able to eat it. But yesterday's purple potato with rough skin and thick flesh was pierced through, but I couldn't break it, so I was angry. I wrapped it up and drenched it back in the microwave for another two minutes.

So the result of my experiment is that four minutes can be cooked, but I choose six minutes. . .

Finally, attach a love purple potato for feeding~~~

Huge Huge Huge Sweet! ! !

After I finished writing the list, I was going to bake the sweet potato I just posed. . . greedy. . .

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反正,首先,拿出一颗薯!管它白薯红薯紫薯的,,,欸, 这么一说,土豆行么?????改天试一下~









