[Huahua Color Trial] To say that I have bought the most brands, of course, it is my famous MAC. It is cheap and easy to use, with good color rendering and long-lasting... It's a bit too much! I have bought 8 Macs in the past, lost two, and one was used as a base. The other 5 are also my favorites! They are all matte series. The second arm swatch I'm in order from top to bottom according to my liking. 🎀 First one - all fried up! 👸🏻 Really a summer girly color! It's a color I use every day in summer, it's really youthful and cute! When you put it on, you feel like a pink girl~~💁🏻‍♀️ 🎀The second one - russian red, this is also very famous, because after all, it is very similar to rubby wood, he is also a relatively bright red, but a little more moist than rubby wood. Even when you have no makeup, a little rubbing is completely ok! It is very obvious that although he is a matte, he does a good job of primer, which is very good. More mature and sexy color 💃🏻💃🏻haha 🎀The third one - diva, the previous post I posted to him too, it's a color that straight men can't understand hahaha, just when I took a color test, my boyfriend also said, how can there be such a color of lipstick hahaha , he is the legendary aunt! A little deep berry purple, a very beautiful color. It is also very suitable for rubbing in winter, but you need to do a good job of lip primer. 🎀The fourth one - chili, this one was also popular back then. I heard that his products are too good, so I bought one after the trend. To be honest, it's okay, it's also a color suitable for winter, maple leaf color. But I can't rub it without makeup, maybe because I have yellow skin. Anyway, if I r0 without makeup, it would be really ugly! 🎀 The fifth one - relentlessly red, wow the name is really long. This is also a very girly color, suitable for spring and summer. However, he is too pink and very unfriendly to yellow skin. The all fired up in front is a bit purple, which is still very good for yellow skin. But this one doesn't work at all. If you wear it without makeup, it will make you wonder why you don't wear makeup. 👀 By the way, there is also a primer, which is just so-so. I bought it when I made the order. It has nothing to do with it, but I usually use him as a primer when I wear matte's lipstick. Dead skin, and matte is also very dry. After rubbing it, it does get a lot longer and the color is more durable. It just doesn't smell good. Wow, I wrote a big article without knowing it, it's a bit long-winded, if you think it's helpful to you, just like❤️
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亚米精選 【花花试色】要说买过最多支的牌子, 当然是我名声响叮当的 MAC 啦,便宜又好用,显色度好,持久...有点简直不能再多啦! Mac的我总过买过8支,丢了两只,还有一只打底,其他5支也都是我的心头宝啦!他们都是 matte 系列。 第二张手臂试色 我是按照我的喜爱程度从上到底排列的。 🎀第一个- all fried up!👸🏻真的是个夏季少女的颜色!是我在夏天基本天天用的一个颜色,真的很青春很可爱!涂上感觉自己就是粉红少女~~💁🏻‍♀️ 🎀第二个- russian red,这个也是很出名了,因为毕竟和rubby wood 很像,他也是比较正的大红色,但是要比rubby wood 润一点点。就算素颜的时候,浅擦一点也完全ok!很显白他虽然是matte但是做好打底,还很很不错的。比较成熟性感的颜色💃🏻💃🏻哈哈 🎀第三支- diva,我前面的晒货也发过他,是直男不能理解的颜色哈哈哈,就在刚刚 我拍试色,我男朋友还说,怎么会有这样颜色的口红啊哈哈,他就是传说中的姨妈色! 有点深的浆果紫,很漂亮的一个颜色哦。也很适合在冬天擦,只不过要做好唇部打底噢 🎀第四支- chili,这个也是当年流行了一波,听说了他的太多好,让我也跟风买了一支。说实话,也就还好吧,也是个适合冬天擦的颜色,枫叶色嘛。但就不怎么能素颜擦,可能因为我是大黄皮吧,反正如果我素颜擦,真的会很丑! 🎀第五只- relentlessly red,哇 名字真的长。这个也是个很少女的颜色,适合春夏。不过他太粉嫩了,对黄皮很不友好,前面的all fired up就有点偏紫,对黄皮还是很不错的。但这支完全不行,如果素颜擦,会让你怀疑自己为什么不化妆的。 👀对了,还有一个打底,也就一般般啦,是当初凑单的时候买的,无功无过吧,但是我一般擦matte的口红还是会拿他打个底,比较不行嘴巴起死皮,而且matte也很干啊啊。擦了他之后的确会好长颜色了很多,也比较持久。就是味道不怎么好闻诶。 哇 不知不觉写了好大一篇,有点啰嗦,如果觉得对你们有点帮助,就like❤️一下啦