Fushun Spicy Mix 🚩 The origin is Fushun. It is now generally popular in the three northeastern provinces. I think when I first tried Mala Bian, I rejected it in my heart, Mala Bian? Isn't it just Malatang without soup? I use vinegar when I eat Mala Tang, but the whole taste is something I have never tasted before. Sweet and sour, spicy and spicy, as well as the aroma of sesame. The authentic one has Fushun meatballs, and that meatball is absolutely amazing. Although you can't eat anything close to the taste in Meidi, any form of Mala Tang or Mala Mix But with this spicy condiment, you can easily make it at home. And you don't have to be limited to stale ingredients outside, which is not only unhealthy but also a waste of money. Cook your favorite ingredients at home, add seasonings and mix well, and you’re ready to go! If you feel that the taste is not enough, you can play it freely, chili, hemp pepper, sesame paste, sesame, green onion, and coriander! ! Hahaha yes! I love coriander ❤️ In short... in one sentence. Delicious and inexpensive, must have! Please put on the shelf! ! ! ! 🙏
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抚顺麻辣拌🚩原产地抚顺。现在在东三省普遍流行。 想当初我第一次吃麻辣拌的时候心里是拒绝的,麻辣拌?不就是没有汤的麻辣烫吗? 我吃麻辣烫会放醋,但是整个味道是从前从没吃过的味道。酸酸甜甜麻麻辣辣,还有芝麻的香味。 正宗的是有抚顺肉丸的,那个丸子也是绝了。虽然在美帝并吃不到任何接近味道的,任何形式的麻辣烫或者麻辣拌 但是有了这个麻辣拌料之后轻轻松松在家就可以做了。而且还不用被局限于外面不新鲜的食材,不仅不健康还浪费钱。 自己在家煮好自己喜欢的食材,加上调料拌匀就可以开动了! 如果觉得味道不够还可以自己自由发挥,辣椒、麻椒、芝麻酱、芝麻、葱、香菜!!哈哈哈 对!我爱香菜❤️ 总之........一句话。好吃不贵一定要拥有!求上架!!!!🙏