Trader Joe buns? Recommend you a better choice In fact, this is not a recommendation, but I can provide some ideas for babies who go to trader joe to buy bread. I personally find this kind of natural yeast European buns packaged in their home to be very tasteless, at least in my heart, it does not meet the taste and taste of a qualified European buns. "Natural yeast" is similar to the old noodles in China, that is, sourdough, so the sour flavor will be obvious when you eat it. Their European bags are all taken out of the freezer to thaw anyway. It is inevitable that the outer skin is not crispy, and I think the internal organization is also unsatisfactory. And I have always felt that their natural yeast flavor is too strong, stealing the limelight. However, there have been several recently. I have eaten the European buns with white background and blue decoration, and I feel that they are OK, but they are actually outsourced to outside baking companies to make them. Obviously, the products are much better. It also says on the package that it needs to be heated in a 400F oven for 8 minutes before eating. The Maixiang organization is much better than his own. In my own words, I will always buy their soft pretzel sticks. The alkaline noodles have a strong taste. I love them very much. I buy three at a time.
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亚米精選 Trader Joe小面包?推荐你更好的选择 其实这篇不算是推荐,但是我可以提供给去trader joe 买面包的宝宝一些思路。 他们家类似图里包装的这种天然酵母欧包我个人都觉得很鸡肋,至少在我心里完全不符合一个合格欧包的口感和味道。“天然酵母”类似国内的老面,也就是sourdough,因此吃上去酸酸的风味会很明显。 他们家的欧包反正都是冷冻柜里拿出来解冻的,外皮不脆那是必然的,里面组织我觉得也是差强人意。而且我一直觉得他们家的天然酵母风味太过浓烈,抢了麦香的风头。 不过最近有几款,白色底蓝色点缀包装的欧包我吃过感觉还可以,不过其实也是外包给外面的烘培公司做的,明显出品就好得多。 包装上面也写了吃之前要400F烤箱加热8分钟。麦香组织都比他自家的好多了。 我自己的话还会一直买他家的soft pretzel stick,碱面味重,我超爱的,每次去三个起买。