As the Chinese New Year is approaching, the most indispensable thing in my house is Ferrero chocolate. In addition to the heart-shaped ones, there are also small boxes that are square. There are also large rectangular boxes, which can be used as gifts. It's a good choice, and I think it's worth recommending! Such a beautiful chocolate, of course I bought it and showed it off. Ha ha! Because my husband also likes to eat, I also bought 2 boxes for money, hehe
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快过年了,我家里最不能缺就是费列罗巧克力,除了心形形状的,也有小盒装是正方形的。也有大盒装长方形,送礼自用都可以。是个不错的选择,然后 我觉得值得推荐一下呗! 这么好看的巧克力,当然是我买,炫耀一下。哈哈!因为我老公也喜欢吃,我还花钱买了2盒装,嘿嘿