🔥Burn my calories! Start your day full of energy with a homemade sandwich 🥪! ———————————————————————— 🤭This is the first time trying to make toast 🍞 What I want to make is the kind of soft toast that can be eaten by hand Hmm...a bit overcooked this time hahahahahaha 🌚 So I will keep working hard next time 🤫 This time, slice it and make it into a sandwich🥪It tastes good🤤 Prepare healthy low-fat chicken breasts yòu~ Let's have two more slices for lunch yòu~ Cut some carrot shreds🥕cucumber 🥒shreds~ And the must-have lettuce 🥬 No fried eggs 🍳 is lazy hahahaha I usually wash chicken breasts and cut them in half when I buy them. Then sprinkle some black pepper and salt, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate~ It's very convenient to take out and thaw when you want to eat~ I like to use it when making salads in summer~ After defrosting, use coconut oil or 0 calorie PAM butter Fry it in the pan until it is cooked through, you can absorb the oil and let it cool and cut into pieces for later use You can also fry the lunch meat with the remaining oil, it will be more delicious Remember to drain the vegetables🥬, otherwise it will wet the toast and affect the taste Spread the low-calorie salad dressing on the toast, assemble the ingredients package, and cut the plastic wrap in half! Can you get a nutritionally balanced breakfast that has everything except eggs? ✅🤭 You can eat a hot sandwich at home in winter 🥪 It's great! #燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 亚米厨房 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationd2932f4f9d09473899
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🔥燃烧我的卡路里!用一块自制的三明治🥪开启元气满满的一天! ——————————————————————— 🤭这是第一次尝试做吐司面包🍞 我想做的是可以手撕着吃的那种软软哒吐司 嗯…这次有点烤过头了哈哈哈哈哈哈🌚 所以我下次会继续努力哒🤫 这回就切片做成三明治吧🥪味道不错诶🤤 准备健康低脂的鸡胸yòu~ 再来点两片午餐yòu~ 切点胡萝卜丝🥕黄瓜🥒丝~ 还有必不可少的生菜🥬 没有煎鸡蛋🍳是偷懒哈哈哈哈 平时鸡胸yòu买回来我都会洗净对半切 然后撒上适量黑胡椒和盐包上保鲜膜冰箱冷藏~ 要吃的时候拿出来解冻就很方便了~ 夏天的时候喜欢用它做沙拉的时候使用~ 解冻好后用椰子油或者0卡里路PAM黄油 下锅煎制熟透就可以吸油放凉切块备用 可以在用剩余的油将午餐肉也煎一煎会更好吃 蔬菜记得🥬沥干水份哦🌚不然会弄湿吐司影响口感 吐司抹上低卡沙拉酱组装食材包保鲜膜对半切开! 一份营养均衡除了鸡蛋啥都有的早餐Get了吗✅🤭 冬天可以在家吃一份热热的三明治🥪真是棒棒哒! # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 亚米厨房 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #