Drop, punch the fifteenth day~ After eating oatmeal and sweet potatoes for so many days, eat some low-sugar and low-fat desserts to encourage yourself~ Xingji Dessert in the Bay Area is also a popular dessert shop in the Tang Dynasty. This red bean and ginger milk is not bad. The ginger taste is full and milky enough. The fly in the ointment is that it is too watery. 👍 # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #
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滴,打卡第十五天~ 吃了这么多天燕麦番薯,吃点低糖低脂的甜品自我鼓励一下咯~ 湾区杏记甜品,也算唐人圈子里比较受欢迎的甜品店了,这个红豆姜撞奶还不错👌姜味十足也很够奶味,美中不足就是太水了,再稠一点滑一点就perfect了👍 # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #