# 我要当测评官第9期 Golden Chicken Thigh Steak Tonight's dinner is fried chicken chop + winter squash ribs soup Prepare materials: Chicken thighs 🍗3 (for 2 people), cooking wine, oyster sauce, peppercorns, green onions, ginger slices, starch, eggs, bread crumbs or fried chicken seasoning powder step: 1. Rinse the chicken thighs with a knife to remove the bones and tendons, pat the back of the knife to make it thin so that it can be marinated later 2. Put cooking wine, oyster sauce, Sichuan peppercorns, green onions and ginger slices into a large bowl, mix the sauce and chicken with your hands, and marinate in a cool place for an hour 3. Clean the sauce on the chicken thighs and coat with flour, egg liquid and bread crumbs in turn 4. Heat the oil on high heat, jump to medium heat, put in the chicken thighs, turn over after 2-3 minutes, turn over the other side after 2-3 minutes, and fry for about 5 minutes until golden brown. 5. Remove the chicken steak and let it cool on a plate, then cut it into small pieces with a knife 6. Cumin powder and chili powder can be added according to personal taste A fragrant home-style golden chicken chop is ready 😉 It's really delicious and delicious 😋 It doesn't lose the taste of the outside at all~
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# 我要当测评官第9期 ## 全球好货装进家 # # 三食三餐 # 黄金炸鸡腿排 今晚的晚餐是炸鸡排+冬瓜排骨汤 准备材料: 鸡腿🍗3个(2人量),料酒,蚝油,花椒,葱,生姜片,淀粉,鸡蛋,面包糠或炸鸡调料粉 步骤: 1. 将鸡腿洗净用刀剔除骨头和筋,用刀背拍打弄薄便于后面腌入味 2.放入大碗中加入料酒、蚝油、花椒、葱和生姜片,用手将酱料和鸡肉拌匀,放在阴凉的地方腌制一小时 3.将鸡腿排上的酱料扒拉干净,依次裹上面粉、鸡蛋液和面包糠 4.大火热油,跳到中火,放入鸡腿排,2-3分钟后翻面,另一面2-3分钟后再翻面,再煎5分钟左右炸至金黄色即可 5. 将鸡排捞出放在盘子里稍做冷却,然后用刀切成小块 6.根据个人口味可加入孜然粉、辣椒粉 一份香喷喷的家常版黄金大鸡排就做好了😉 真的很有味,很好吃😋完全不输外边的味道~