# 三食三餐 # Today's teriyaki chicken drumstick is definitely an accident🙈🙈🙈, I originally wanted to make steamed chicken with slippery mushrooms (no slippery mushrooms, so I used enoki mushrooms instead), but after marinating, I steamed it in a pot... There was too much meat after steaming for a long time. It was not cooked, so I took it out and fried it, and then prepared the teriyaki sauce. I didn't expect to make the most tender and delicious teriyaki chicken in my cooking history! Share it here. Required ingredients: chicken thigh, green onion, sauce, enoki mushroom Required sauces: salt, white pepper, steamed fish soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, minced garlic, Korean BBQ sauce, honey Cooking steps: 1. Mix oyster sauce and steamed fish soy sauce to make sauce; 2. Marinate the chicken thighs with salt and white pepper cooking wine, then pour in the sauce and marinate for an hour; 3. Spread the enoki mushrooms on the bottom of the container, put in the marinated chicken, put it in together with the marinated sauce, add in the shredded ginger, and steam in the pot; 4. After 20 minutes, take out; 5. Korean BBQ sauce and honey sauce; 6. Add oil in a hot pan, add a spoonful of minced garlic, add chicken thighs and fry until the skin is golden brown; 7. Add the sauce and simmer for a while; 8. Add the white onion, turn off the heat and stir; 9. Put steamed enoki mushrooms on the bottom of the plate, and then put chicken thighs on top ✅! I didn't cut a large piece of chicken thigh, just put it on a knife and fork 🍴 It tastes even better! Soybeans eat hard! A happy smile on the face of the old mother 🤣🤣🤣
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# 三食三餐 # 今天的照烧鸡腿肉绝对是个意外🙈🙈🙈,我原本想做滑菇蒸鸡的(没有滑菇,就用金针菇代替),结果腌制后上锅蒸……肉肉太多蒸了好久还没熟,于是拿出来煎它,再调制了照烧酱,没想到做出了我的厨艺史上最嫩最入味的照烧鸡肉!在此分享一下。 需要的食材:鸡腿肉,葱,酱,金针菇 需要的酱料:盐,白胡椒,蒸鱼豉油,蚝油,料酒,蒜蓉,韩国烧烤酱,蜂蜜 烹饪步骤: 1. 将蚝油,蒸鱼豉油调制酱汁; 2. 将鸡腿肉用盐,白胡椒料酒腌制,再倒入酱汁腌制一小时; 3. 容器底部铺上金针菇,放入腌制的鸡肉,连同腌制的酱料一起放入,再放入姜丝,上锅蒸; 4. 二十分钟后,取出; 5. 韩国烧烤酱和蜂蜜调汁; 6. 热锅加油,放入一勺蒜蓉,放入鸡腿肉煎至外皮金黄; 7. 加入调汁,小火焖一会儿; 8. 加入葱白,关火搅拌; 9. 在盘子底部铺上蒸好的金针菇,再在上面铺上鸡腿肉就✅啦! 一大块鸡腿肉我没切,直接上刀叉🍴吃起来更爽!大豆埋头苦吃!老母亲脸上露出欣慰的笑容🤣🤣🤣